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2018 statistics report wrap-up

By: Jeff Pospisil, executive director, Finance and Administrative Services, Dakotas UMC

Annually local church statistics are collected from more than 30,000 churches in the United States. The numbers reported giving insight into trends in membership, especially regarding gender and ethnicity, as well as church size. 

The 2018 statistics for the Dakotas Conference are collected. Jeff Pospisil, executive director of Finance and Administrative Services for the Dakotas Conference, shares some thoughts and gives an update.


In 2018, the seven-year streak in average worship attendance growth, which includes worshippers who attend at a physical location and those who attend online, ended. The seven-year growth was a point of pride for many in the Dakotas. We will need to find something new to brag about.

This year our churches reported their annual statistics at a much faster rate compared to recent years. From 2014-17, only 44 percent of our churches submitted their statistical reports before the deadline and 66 percent within one month of the deadline. In 2018, 65 percent of churches submitted their statistical reports before the deadline and 80 percent within one month of the deadline. 

Besides the great work of our Conference Statistician, JoAnn Schlimgen, two other changes may have attributed to the increase. One of the key differences from prior years in collecting these statistical reports was that churches and the person that submitted the report were recognized on Facebook with their place number and an imaginary colored or flavored ribbon. This added an element of fun as well as a gentle reminder. Secondly, the district superintendents were very quick to encourage pastors to turn in their statistical reports, which was probably not as fun or gentle. 

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A result of a higher percentage of churches reporting, more in-depth statistical analysis could be performed, rather than just reporting year-to-year changes. One of the most telling is comparing the 4-year average growth rate of membership in the Dakotas United Methodist Churches to that of the entire U.S. 

For nearly three decades, the Dakotas reported decline in membership at a faster rate than the rest of the denomination in the U.S. That changed in 2014. In recent years, the Dakotas is one of the few conferences to grow in membership. 

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Bishop Bruce R. Ough, resident bishop for the Dakotas-Minnesota area, noted recently that growth in membership is significant to church vitality. Attendance is a leading indicator of vitality, while membership is a lagging indicator. Membership shows a deepening commitment to the church. 

Besides membership, the Dakotas compares favorably in growth rates of attendance, professions of faith, and the number of children and youth involved in small groups.

Find Dakotas Conference statistical information here.
Find United Methodist statistical resources here.  


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000