“I’m so busy!” So many youth – and adults – live hyper-stressed lives because of all they are trying to do. A student recently told me that they wished they had time to just stop and listen. In the midst of our busy lives, today’s Scripture almost seems unrealistic. Really? How could we ever fit anything else into our schedules? Have you ever felt that way?
Today's short verse reminds us that early Christians were devoted to each other. We shouldn’t read this verse and then heap guilt upon ourselves. Instead, we should be reminded that amidst our crazy schedules we have the Body of Christ to lean on. When we live our lives together as the Body of Christ, we find support, comfort, and encouragement.
How can you open your life to others to find support and encouragement? It isn’t easy. Be reminded that life is too difficult to be lived alone!
By Dale Tadlock from d365.org