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Dickinson UMC Vacation Bible School connects people to Jesus at campground

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

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Getting ready for VBS at Patterson Lake in Dickinson, North Dakota. Photos courtesy of Dickinson UMC.

Last summer, people came to Patterson Lake near Dickinson, North Dakota, and stayed in trailers, tents, and campers for fellowship and worship,  after spending a day connecting and learning about the love of Jesus.

Vacation Bible School traditionally takes place over several days, but the one-day VBS turned into an overnight camping experience ending with a community worship service at the campground.

“We truly experienced that the church is not a building. It is the people,” said Debi Wilson, one of the coordinators and a ministry team member at Dickinson United Methodist Church in North Dakota. “Several of us who are a part of the congregation, Dickinson UMC, remember the excitement and tradition of VBS, and we wanted to keep doing something that we knew we could do well.”

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Hanging out by the campfire.

The congregation is reshaping and revitalizing who they are as United Methodists. The Dickinson United Methodist Church members were members of Prairie Winds United Methodist Church. In 2021, Prairie Winds Church in Dickinson, North Dakota, voted to disaffiliate from The United Methodist denomination. The disaffiliation agreement was affirmed at the 2021 Dakotas Annual Conference. 

Inviting all people to connect and learn about Jesus was an essential focus for the VBS and leadership team at Dickinson UMC. Dawn Weber, a ministry leader for the congregation, found a curriculum and suggested, “Let's do this in one day somewhere in the park or outside.”

Wilson, who works with the Dickinson Parks and Recreation Department, secured the Patterson Lake Recreational Area location. “We did not have a church building to call home. So, it seemed like a good fit,” said Wilson. “We knew we wanted to do VBS. Our high school kids wanted to help, and it was a way for us to feel connected.”

Word spread about VBS, and families thought, “We could just camp.” One thing led to another, and soon families were planning a barbeque supper and church service the next day at the campground. It became an all-church community event.

During the day, high school students and adults led VBS, including a story, craft, eating, and games. This was followed by an evening of fellowship with a meal, campfire, and singing. The following day, an estimated 100 people showed up to worship.

“It was a really neat experience. We were so thankful we could all get together,” said Wilson. “So many people showed up!”

This summer, plans are already underway for Vacation Bible School in a similar format. Meanwhile, the congregation is worshipping each week in the basement of an Episcopal Church in Dickinson. A ministry team of four– Wilson, Weber, Rita Enen, and Karl Rockeman – are leading the way. The four plan and lead worship, fellowship, and children's and youth ministry. Once a month, Rev. Ross Reinhiller or Rev. Val Reinhiller preside at worship with communion.

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Worshipping by the lake.

“We each have our gifts. I work with the children's and youth ministry,” said Wilson. “Karl and Rita often lead worship. Dawn leads the music. We have a full kitchen, so we often serve a continental or hot breakfast. It is amazing how God is at work.”


Vacation Bible Study free resources from Cokesbury

Connect with others in youth and children’s ministry through the Facebook group: Dakotas Children's/Youth Ministry Connection

Equipping lay leaders: Building a ministry team is one of the ways to equip your church. Many lay people have gifts to share. One of the first steps is to attend a discernment retreat. Learn more here. Register for the next Discernment Retreat here


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000