The writer of Hebrews knew we don’t become deeply committed followers of God by
chance. The letter calls us to be active in living a godly life, and not to just drift along. As we
discern who we are and how we are equipped to bear fruit for God, we find the true joy and
energy of life. We discover “life to the full,” as Jesus described it in John 10:10.
- In The Message, Eugene Peterson renders v. 11 as “I want each of you to extend that same intensity toward a full-bodied hope, and keep at it till the finish.” What are the things you pursue most intensely right now? How can that intensity and focus translate into your spiritual life?
- Hebrews encourages us to imitate those who have shown great faith and patience before us. Read Hebrews 11, and from the list of “heroes of faith” in that chapter choose one or two Bible characters that particularly inspire you to live for God with energy and authenticity.