When I was a young girl, I thought that being a Christian meant I needed to be perfect. Seeking God's forgiveness looked something like, "I'm sorry, God, for not being perfect enough today." It's taken years to re-wire my understanding of God's mercy, God's goodness and grace, because there are still many times when I feel so...unholy, so imperfect, and like such a disappointment to others.
Perhaps you are experiencing a call to a particular ministry, mission, or outreach project, and you're feeling a bit unprepared, unacceptable, and unclean yourself. "Why me, Lord?" you might be thinking. Remember that God does not choose perfect people, because there simply are none to be found...anywhere. Rather, God calls us, as wondrously imperfect as we are, because God knows who we are and who we are becoming. Our job is simply to answer, “Here I am. Send me.”
by Grier Richards from d365.org