In an outpouring of mercy, God provided healing to the Israelites in the wilderness, salvation from the sure death of a serpent’s bite. In an outpouring of love, God provided healing to our lost and wandering world, salvation from the sure death of sin.
God’s goal isn’t blame or belittling. When we believe in God’s mercy, we join in a life that is free from judgment and fault-finding. When we believe in God’s love, we join in a life that is free from put-downs and pointing fingers.
Because God offers us such freedom, we can stop our own blaming, belittling, judging. Instead of pointing fingers at others, we can reach out to invite, to include, and to point the way to life.
God’s mercy still pours out for those who suffer, for all who seek reminders of God’s goodness, for all who need to believe. God’s love still pours out for those who wander, for all who are looking everywhere for something to believe in, for all who need to be healed.
By Nikki Finkelstein-Blair from