Our life-giving God, we all stand at a well that is too deep for us to get what is essential for our deepest needs. On our own we have nothing to draw with. We have often lived a spiritually dehydrated life and we haven’t even recognized how desperate we are for true life. Today we ask you to give us a drink from your deep well. Refresh our souls with the water that satisfies. Touch our dry tongues with words of grace and peace in our homes, at work, and in our churches. We pray for an outflowing of your living water on the people called United Methodists. We have looked long and hard in structure, conferencing, and leadership, but we still ask the same question “where then do You get that living water?”
Come Lord, I think we may be ready to drink. Amen.
Prayer by Rev. Roger Spahr
She said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep; where then do you get that living water?”
John 4:11