Jesus found faith in a foreigner. This centurion man did not worship at Jesus’ church, he didn't teach God’s Word, he didn't follow the traditions of Jesus. Yet he had more faith than Jesus had seen in all of Israel. Where did that faith come from?
Earlier in the story we are told that this Roman military officer worked with the Jewish elders. So maybe he learned about Jesus' great deeds from the elders. Or perhaps he saw how the elders lived and worked, and found truth in their way of life. Unfortunately, they do not tell us how the centurion came to have such great faith.
God is working all over this world. God does not work only inside a certain church or people. God is present to all people. Faith is one of God’s great mysteries. We cannot judge or predict who will have faith. You never know when God could be using you to witness to another person. You never know when a stranger or foreigner could witness to you.
by Brenda Thompson from