We just recently redesigned the bed that holds plants in front of our house. It was not as simple as digging up the old stuff and putting in new vegetation. Nope. We had to first carefully choose what we would put in. As it turned out, they are all plants native to our state.
Then we got to the hardest work, taking out the plants that were there and then carefully preparing the soil for new growth. It’s not easy pulling up shrubs that have rooted themselves over a number of years. And getting the earth to yield to hand-held tools is no easy task either.
Holes were dug, and new plants were gently lowered, welcomed by fresh, nourishing potting soil. A generous layer of rich mulch and then water to make for a new home, our newly decorated bed bears the promise of leaves that do not wither, and plants that always prosper.
By Nick Foster from D365