--> Clergy may request Long-term Renewal (Formational and Spiritual Growth Leave, BOD 350.3) up to 6 months for those who have held full-time appointments in the DK Annual Conference for at least six years (may be pro-rated for part-time clergy)
--> Long-term Renewal is available to Elders, Deacons, Associate Members and LicensedLocal Pastors.
--> Clergy continue to hold an appointment during Long-term Renewal.
--> Long-term Renewal is in addition to vacation time, and the local church continues to provide compensation and benefits during this period.
--> An overview of the process can be found here.
--> A request for pastoral coverage funding can be found here.
Long-term Renewal is considered for the following reasons:
--> A significant time of rest, relaxation and renewal
--> A time to nourish relationship with God
--> A time to recommit to the call to ministry and discover a renewed vision and focus for ministry
--> A time of study for spiritual and formational growth
(Note that remunerative employment during a Long-term Renewal is not permitted unless directly related to the formational plan. Also, applications will not be approved for renewal time away when a clergy is within three years of anticipated retirement.)